funny pics and images updated daily

Mahboob pic

Mahboob pic

Please delete this pic of mahboob immediately. I'm so insecure.

Anti cheat helmets

Anti cheat helmets

That will surely prevent them from ever looking into someone else's paper. And also make them look silly in the process.

Hard to kidnap

Hard to kidnap

From now on I will consider an offense if anybody calls me fat. I'm just not a good candidate for kidnapping, that's all.

Super man lighter

Super man lighter

This piece of ingenuously designed lighter must have came from China.

Entrance code

Entrance code

Seems legit. Just type in the numbers and wait for the door to open.

Smoking outside

Smoking outside

Suddenly all smokers started smoking at the window, inside.

I hate everyone

I hate everyone

Well good news grandma. Everybody hates you too now.

Fixed the toilet door

Fixed the toilet door

Because it is too much to test if the toilet would somehow affect the door before installing it.

Home office

Home office

I always pictured that with a setup like this you can be self sustainable. Work from home, order pizza all day long and take a dump while doing all this. Just have to learn how to sleep on the toilet.

Food not causing pregnancy

Food not causing pregnancy

Oh that's a relief. Up until now everywhere I've been to and had a quick snack somehow ended with me getting pregnant. This place is awesome!