funny pics and images updated daily

Gas 404

Gas 404

Looks like gat was not found. And this goes in the books for another example of smart ass Tesla owners.

Small PP

Small PP

Surely these were random license plates that just happened to correctly suite the owner.

Bitch 6

Bitch 6

Honey, I just got a new car for you. It's already registered and has your name on the license plate!

Going to Mordor

Going to Mordor

The first thing I would ask this guy after pulling him over is where is he heading.

Alcohol workout

Alcohol workout

So the gyms are closed, but I can still get my workout while having the best beverage out there. Win-win!

Nothing happened

Nothing happened

Hey, I need a plate to commemorate this event!

Los er

Los er

Guess there were 501 losers before him.

Here's my license plate

Here's my license plate

If he's holding the license plate with one hand I hope the other one isn't holding the cellphone.



This is why you don't outsource your engraving to other countries who don't speak English.

2 fast 4 you

2 fast 4 you

You got to love the irony on this little old lady's vehicle.