funny pics and images updated daily

20% hotter

20% hotter

If she's 20% hotter than me then I surely hit rock bottom.

Eating condition

Eating condition

They named this condition after me. I keep getting up to eat.

Naked man with flip-flops

Naked man with flip-flops

Whoa, this guy is not kidding. Poor man must be freezing with no clothes on.



The most efficient way to get rid of a man is illustrated here. Pay attention because this might save your life one day.

Tablets are not phones

Tablets are not phones

That is either a tablet or the new Samsung Galaxy version.

The perfect Martini

The perfect Martini

We don't serve Martinis here. Get yourself a decent whiskey and move along!

My mum voted

My mum voted

This Cafe is guaranteed to be the best in all of England.

Lies and fish

Lies and fish

My eye hurts

My eye hurts

Get your toothbrush out of my eye immediately, you sick bastard!

The messiest urinal

The messiest urinal

Like seriously, have you even tried taking a piss into one of these? It just goes all over the place.