funny pics and images updated daily

Smart ad

Smart ad

So... teenagers, embrace yourselves and... grow up!

Small talk

Small talk

So, do you come here often? Hah.

Weird haircut

Weird haircut

Why would anybody choose this haircut?! I really can't get it...

Cat's fault

Cat's fault

I really tried to stop that cat but she went crazy... Man, ain't that annoying...

Literally stuff again

Literally stuff again

Well.. you gotta admit it, the guy has talent, he trolled succesfully.

McDonalds fact

McDonalds fact

Indeed... Yeah, I've never seen a McDonalds under construction, they kind of appear.



Oh my.... Unicorns, they do exist! THEY'RE REAL!

There you go, son

There you go, son

Let daddy help you sweetheart. There you go, son.

Trouble in my backyard

Trouble in my backyard

I really can't get in the backyard... Kind of creepy.

Redneck party

Redneck party

It's obviously a redneck party. Isn't it? Hahah.