funny pics and images updated daily

Patched the road

Patched the road

I did a good job, the asphalt appears to be evenly distributed.

Lazy implementation

Lazy implementation

I believe this was supposed to be mixed with some milk before being served. But I'm not an expert in concrete.

Melted roads

Melted roads

First I thought that the paint guy decided to follow the road's edge. But guess the high temperatures and heavy traffic did the job just right.

Evergreen blockage

Evergreen blockage

These guys are now creating a new habit out of these problems.

Right in the middle

Right in the middle

Plan stated that this post needs to be placed at exactly these coordinates. Sorry, but you got your road mixed up. You need to move it.

No Name St

No Name St

Great, we finally arrived where there are no more names to be had.

Street Rd

Street Rd

And right after this there will be Road St.

Pothole fixed

Pothole fixed

You had a pothole so we came in and fixed it. Any questions?

Best Value

Best Value

If I'm going to get points for this, then I should at least get the best value I can.

Speed limits

Speed limits

And this is how you get to replace your brakes sooner than you thought.