funny pics and images updated daily

Tickle-tickle, autch you're down!

Tickle-tickle, autch you're down!

Tickle-tickle, you'll be hit, I won't be blamed for what I did. Yeah, almost.

Painful Moment

Painful Moment

That nasty moment when you bite your tongue. Or cheek. AAAAUUUTCH!

Aim for the toe!

Aim for the toe!

They're making a plan on how to attack our toes. Beware... it's gonna hurt!

Safe Removals

Safe Removals

And you thought that he knew to drive... phew! Safe removals, yeah, sure.



Mmmyeah, it happens. Wait a second... The guy in the 1st picture... Hmmm, THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAAA! HAHAHAH.

Watch out, ball coming!

Watch out, ball coming!

AUTCH! I bet that hurt... So.. you weren't expecting that ball coming so fast.. I know.



Everybody does that. I think, all of us made this at least once. OUCH!

Glass of opinions

Glass of opinions

Uhm... I am sorry, excuse me but I haven't ordered a glass of "your opinion". Sorry! Nope. I just didn't!

Sports failure

Sports failure

Sports can be very hurtful, as you see. Run little kid, run!



He's really too hiperactive, he must get some sleep or some pills to help him.