funny pics and images updated daily

Well, transform

Well, transform

Ohhhh come on... I'm running low on gas, please transform yourself!

I have a car

I have a car

And my friends see my car as a cab. WHY?

Ken's fault

Ken's fault

Ladies and gentlemen, it's not my fault, really. It's Ken's fault.

Safety comes first

Safety comes first

Of course, it looks very safe. Safety comes first. Riiiight...

Get in, dog

Get in, dog

Get in brother and let's move fast. I'll explain you on the way.

Brick in the wall

Brick in the wall

So, it's true, you are just another brick in the wall... What do you say about your car? Ha!

I fixed it

I fixed it

Don't worry, problem solved. There... I fixed it!

We may have a problem

We may have a problem

Oh, excuse me, you have a problem, hahah!

Slow down

Slow down

Oh no, slow down dude you're going to get us both killed. SLOW DOOOWN!



We're running low on time, hurry, get in. We'll explain later!