funny pics and images updated daily

Playing it right

Playing it right

Good job to whomever did this. Played really right, I salute him.

Bane says hi

Bane says hi

Good morning Bane. Babe. Hahahah!

What happened here?

What happened here?

Probably a fail or maybe a epic trolling win? Hmm... Don't know.

Nearly bald

Nearly bald

This is extremely useful for the nearly bald persons. Epic win!



This guy really knows how to tell a story. TROLL.

Maid win

Maid win

This is the most awesome moment in that maid's life, probably. Epic Maid, bless you!

Your mother

Your mother

Oh, call your mother, go on. Just hit Redial. HAHAH

Cat won

Cat won

I think it's obvious, the cat won. No matter what, women do find a way to win stuff.

Facebook win

Facebook win

Change your Facebook name to 'Nobody' or 'No one'.... 'Nobody' likes your status. YEAAAH, WIN!

Answer win

Answer win

How to answer really smart, just do it like this.