funny pics and images updated daily

Cat's birthday

Cat's birthday

Happy birthday Mr. Cat!!! Mmm... yeah, thanks. Why are you so grumpy?! I'm not, grr.

You don't say...

You don't say...

Statistics have shown that those who have the most birthdays live the longest. Incredible, YOU DON'T SAY?!

Birthday Cake

Birthday Cake

Well that's one good-looking birthday cake I'd love trying, pretty nice!

Birthdays on Facebook

Birthdays on Facebook

Let me celebrate my birthday by counting all the Facebook greetings.

Birthday thanks

Birthday thanks

Thanks for your tiny effort of wishing me a happy birthday on Facebook.

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday!

You are so great. And sexy. And it's your birthday.

Happy birthday, James

Happy birthday, James

Happy birthday, James. Sorry about that little cake accident, it was a misspelling.

Favorite twin

Favorite twin

It was your birthday too? We've forgotten all about that, sorry.

Shitty cake

Shitty cake

You did say that you wouldn't mind as long as it was a chocolate cake, so here you go.

Daddy loves his bitch

Daddy loves his bitch

Here's a 50 dollar bill so you can go buy yourself a new pair of shoes darling.