funny pics and images updated daily

Dumb boy

Dumb boy

Oh hello dumb boy, why did you had to do such a horrority and dress like this?

Disney fail

Disney fail

That's not the way you should wear a Disney sweater. Trust me.



Yeah, sure. It's Wall-Mart, not Walmart... So... Good try.

Brick in the wall

Brick in the wall

So, it's true, you are just another brick in the wall... What do you say about your car? Ha!

I fixed it

I fixed it

Don't worry, problem solved. There... I fixed it!

Breaking the rules

Breaking the rules

Well... It's obvious, no one respects the rules. That's too bad.

Fail haircut

Fail haircut

Your haircut is a complete failure. Excuse me.

Melon outfit

Melon outfit

I'm sure there are several costumes, melon shaped.... But you're doing it wrong.

Short run

Short run

Wo-hoah, we have a short run over here. Short run, really really really short.

Beer pong

Beer pong

That's not beer pong, that's just... misunderstood.