funny pics and images updated daily

We have it

We have it

Truer words have never been spoken in a billboard.

Intelligent and cultured

Intelligent and cultured

You want to appear intelligent and cultured? Then follow these simple steps and you will soon become one.

Need we say more?

Need we say more?

Come to the strip club. There's no other thing that needs explaining so get your ass here now.

Writing essays

Writing essays

Just got to get home and begin my new novel on Satan's typewriter.

The Economist

The Economist

Millions and millions of flies have vowed for it. Go on, take a bite.

Brake check

Brake check

Liquor and fireworks

Liquor and fireworks

It's the best family time you can think of. We got liquor, we got fireworks. Billy is also bringing some guns for your kids to play with.

Forgiveness is swallowing

Forgiveness is swallowing

What kinky stuff does happen inside this church anyway?

2 are bastards

2 are bastards

Guess the city has a personal issue with two people.

There's hope

There's hope

Are you Asian? Fear not, there is a cure for your despicable illness.