funny pics and images updated daily

Rock band

Rock band

Now hold still

Now hold still

Does you dog have training to be a cup holder? Didn't think so.

No, I'm eating you

No, I'm eating you

I'm going to eat you first so better watch out.

Nice pillow

Nice pillow

I am bigger and stronger so I get to sit wherever I want.

Tasty tail

Tasty tail

Look at this tasty tail. Better it it fast.

Rebirth believers?

Rebirth believers?

Do you believe in rebirth or afterlife? Then you may proceed.

Where's your proof?

Where's your proof?

Just because I'm lying here with a guilty face doesn't prove anything.

Poodle or horse?

Poodle or horse?

I couldn't ride my poodle so I did what I could with this horse.

I eat the trash

I eat the trash

Every time I get a little curious and I take a look in the trash my master forces me to walk all day with this sign around my neck. It's humiliating.

Literate goat

Literate goat

What are you reading there? Any food between those pages?