funny pics and images updated daily

Purse pants

Purse pants

I need to get them purse pants.



You never know when a crowbar will come in handy. So better place that sucker in your purse and make sure everybody sees you mean business.

I got a gun

I got a gun

You might want to keep your distance from this lady. No need to be close if she decides to feel threatened.

USB purse

USB purse

A great gift for girls, but you cannot ask any guy to take your flash. Ever.

Stupid purse

Stupid purse

That's just something really idiot. Take a look at this purse... Hahahahahah, some things are just meaningless stuff.

I took your purse and felt a connection

I took your purse and felt a connection

I know that I stole your purse but let's just give it a try. You might like me and I might also buy you the tampons back.

Wine purse

Wine purse

A great way to conceal your wine bottle.