funny pics and images updated daily

Gun mods in games

Gun mods in games

All of a sudden this little gun looks way more dangerous with some add-ons. Just $999.99 a piece for a limited time!

Vintage gatling

Vintage gatling

So how many pairs of soundproof headphones do I need in order to test out this baby?

Proper target

Proper target

Good thing we aren't giving guns to everyone!

Sausage police

Sausage police

I reckon that is quite effective against vegetarian suspects.

New barber

New barber

Just make sure that the haircut comes out perfect. Otherwise there might be a bit of... consequences.

Where's your partner?

Where's your partner?

It didn't want to talk so I had to bring up the gun. I will find out where's the other sock by any means necessary.

Children and firearm safety

Children and firearm safety

Why risk an injury when leaving your child to play with a firearm? Why not use a mortar or heavy machine gun?

Eat more

Eat more

The day grandma got a gun was the day I became overweight.

Calling the police

Calling the police

Are you in a hurry and want to get the police there quickly? Sherlock teaches you how to do that with the help of a gun.

Pop-Tart gun

Pop-Tart gun

That little boy should be thrown in jail for life. How dares he eat food in the shape of guns inside a public school? The nerve of some children.