funny pics and images updated daily

Safety first

Safety first

You can never bee to careful when your friend is driving.

Serious biker

Serious biker

If I'm going to train I'll make damn sure I recreate the whole experience. Now I just need someone to spray mud on my face from time to time.

Don't worry

Don't worry

Really, don't worry. Just put on that helmet and trust him, he's a cameraman. MMM NOPE.

Helmet issues

Helmet issues

Hmm... HEEEY! Wait a minute... That's not my helmet... What's this?!

My helm...what?!

My helm...what?!

Some Titan forgot his helmet, no big deal. Yeah, this is awesome. How in the World did that thing get there?

I can't breathe

I can't breathe

I ain't got no helmet for you so this plastic bag will do just fine.

Ride the wind

Ride the wind

And that is how we ride around here.

Laptop helmet

Laptop helmet

In the event that your computer crashes you have to be prepared.

Movers and shakers

Movers and shakers

At least he remembered to wear a helmet whyle driving. Safety first!

The real reason why you need helmets

The real reason why you need helmets

I wonder how your face would have looked like if you hadn't wore your helmet.