funny pics and images updated daily

Don't start the fan

Don't start the fan

I know what you are thinking but just don't pull the switch!

I'll just crash on your back

I'll just crash on your back

Wake up Rupert! Time to get going.

Rock band

Rock band

Now hold still

Now hold still

Does you dog have training to be a cup holder? Didn't think so.

Nice pillow

Nice pillow

I am bigger and stronger so I get to sit wherever I want.

Need to cool down

Need to cool down

Enough running for today, need some cooling time.

Where's your proof?

Where's your proof?

Just because I'm lying here with a guilty face doesn't prove anything.

I eat the trash

I eat the trash

Every time I get a little curious and I take a look in the trash my master forces me to walk all day with this sign around my neck. It's humiliating.

Don't do your dog

Don't do your dog

Taking a pet for a walk or what is this supposed to mean?

Step away slowly

Step away slowly

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