funny pics and images updated daily

Drying pets

Drying pets

Sorry little buddy. Looks like your instant dryer will not work for you.

My owner

My owner

Yup, my owner doesn't know how to clean up after myself.

Deflated cat

Deflated cat

Cats don't text

Cats don't text

That's a great piece of information that I did not need. I knew cats were assholes anyway.

Invincible toy

Invincible toy

I will send them this photo and ask for my money back!

Short people, low standards

Short people, low standards

We won't judge. If you are short, if you are thirsty and if you don't care about self esteem... go ahead.

Missing dog

Missing dog

Has anyone seen my dog? He's got an average height, with some black spots over a white fur.

Sales versus engineering

Sales versus engineering

Shut up until we get paid. We'll figure out things later!

Deep sleeper

Deep sleeper

This is the exact same position I'm in while being completely depleted and getting to bed.

Total relaxation

Total relaxation

Ever felt asleep so deeply that you went over the side of the bed?