funny pics and images updated daily

Serious drinker

Serious drinker

Looks like pops is getting ready for another bingo night.

Mentos and Cola

Mentos and Cola

This store is the place where troublemakers go shopping.

Please return carts here

Please return carts here

And please make a sentence out of these 4 words. We were too busy daydreaming and forgot which board went on the right and which on the left.

Random vegetable

Random vegetable

We haven't been to school and don't know what kind of vegetable is this so we just labeled it as random.

Bought a grandma

Bought a grandma

That's something you will only see at Wal-Mart.

Men in the baby food department

Men in the baby food department

So what was the exact brand we needed? The one with the pink butterflies? Are you sure?

Immortality for sale

Immortality for sale

Just $11 for eternal life? Then I'll have two please!

These are not bongs

These are not bongs

Just so we are clear: these are not bongs. They just look that way and can be used that way.

Product placement win

Product placement win

What a great combination. Get more energy and be safe at the same time.

Sold in Europe

Sold in Europe

Oh, the horror, how can you sell that stuff?