funny pics and images updated daily

Suggestive name

Suggestive name

Pretty good name, congratulations to the owner and the one who came up with this idea, innovative!

Place boob here

Place boob here

I've got the perfect boob holders right here inside my hands.

Don't pass out

Don't pass out

Too much alcohol and a few crazy friends? This would certainly be the outcome.

McDonald's top customer

McDonald's top customer

Always and forever loving it. Or until you get so fat that the tattoo will stretch all across your back.

Booty Licious

Booty Licious

I can't wait to see how this tattoo will look when she turns 60.

Close enough

Close enough

I'm the greatest tattoo artist in the business.

I am a tard re

I am a tard re

Good thing it's not a permanent tattoo. Or is it?

Head beards

Head beards

All you have to do is remember to leave the beards on the tattoos when shaving your head.

Check my six pack

Check my six pack

Made in China

Made in China

Is it just the foot or the entire guy?