funny pics and images updated daily

Wheel fixing

Wheel fixing

The wheel doesn't fit? No problem, just use a metal bar to attach it.

Toyota for sale

Toyota for sale

You are selling the car because you only got laid 2 times in it in the past 5 years.

Break glass in case of adventure

Break glass in case of adventure

This is how to promote your new SUV.

Duct tape glass holder

Duct tape glass holder

Another brilliant use for the universal duct tape.

Women parking

Women parking

Honestly, some women should take the driving exam each month.

Shut up while I'm driving

Shut up while I'm driving

You have to shut up while I'm driving, woman!

Don't ever leave the window down

Don't ever leave the window down

This is what happens when you leave your car windows down in the middle of the winter.

Vehicles must not be parked in the toilets

Vehicles must not be parked in the toilets

After more and more customers ended up driving right in the toilet the owners decided that an appropriate sign should solve this problem.

Huge license plate

Huge license plate

In Texas everything is huge, no matter how small it really is.

Stuck car

Stuck car

It would probably be better to wait for the spring to use the car again.