funny pics and images updated daily

I apologise

I apologise

The conclusion is always obvious and constant. I need to apologise.

Previous printer relationship

Previous printer relationship

Perhaps the printer is scared because of a bad past experience and does not want to commit to a connection at this time.

Single vs with a girlfriend

Single vs with a girlfriend

Every time I'm single there are no girls around but the minute I get a girlfriend they are all over me. It's like I'm sexier if I'm taken.

Relationship status

Relationship status

Facebook needs to update its statuses to better reflect the world post GTA V release.

Relationship status

Relationship status

I'm not single or married or divorced. I'm downright waiting for a miracle to happen.

Said no guy ever

Said no guy ever

I am ready to be a dad. Hold on, I'll fix that for you.

I just want a decent hamburger

I just want a decent hamburger

My dream is to once have a hamburger that looks like the ones in commercials.

Needing space

Needing space

So she told me she needed space. I gave her space. Awesome me.

Get a boyfriend

Get a boyfriend

They said... It will be fun they said. Not really... But not all men are like this.

My mornings

My mornings

No! Leave me and my bed alone, leave us alone! It's our relationship...