funny pics and images updated daily

Best seat ever

Best seat ever

At least he can rest his head whenever he wants.

Mounting door handles

Mounting door handles

I think I may have had my idiot moment for today after mounting this door handle.

Safe weekend

Safe weekend

I'm not sure which is scarier: the fact that the person who placed this condom is stupid or that the condom is gone.

Body of a god

Body of a god

My body is so sensual that it bend's light.

Expanding foam fix

Expanding foam fix

Need to build a wall? Why not try some expanding foam?

Locked ATV

Locked ATV

Got the ATV locked and secured. Now we can simply drive off.

Swing fail

Swing fail

We'll just move those swings closer to the wall. I don't think the kids will mind.

Almost slam dunk

Almost slam dunk

Go on, jump. You are almost there. Almost.

Another secured bike

Another secured bike

This guy deserves to have his bike stolen. If basic geometry and physics is not something he mastered before riding a bike then it's too late.

Dry off phone

Dry off phone

Whenever I accidentally drop my phone into water I always place it as soon as possible in a microwave. It does wonders.